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Last month’s Postings

Featured Article: Dramatically High Rate of Knee Arthroscopies

In the News [1]: How can dead heroes offend the living? [2]

International Medicine [3]: Why wait until a patient is dead before harvesting his organs? [4]

Medicare [5]: The Moral Fabric [6]  by Nicholas Eberstadt [7]
American Exceptionalism and the Entitlement State (Part IV continued from April, May, June)

Asking for, and accepting, purportedly need-based government welfare benefits has become a fact of life for a significant and still growing minority of our population:

Medical Gluttony [8]: Medical Tragedy [9]

Medical Myths [10] & Rumors:  Zuckerberg Backs Privacy Measure [11]

Overheard in the Medical Staff Lounge [12]: Why is gender transformation such an issue? [13]

Voices of Medicine [14]:  Why Do We Need a ‘Right to Try’ Bill in America? [15]

The Bookshelf [16]: Denied [17] Abusive Peer Review attempts to destroy a physician and send him to the National Data bank, without “due process,” with his medical license removed as he enters the TOMB.

Hippocrates & His Kin [18]: The Age of Majority [19] Why is it legal for a doctor to kill a baby at birth, but when a pregnant woman is killed, it is considered a double murder?

In Memoriam: Franco Zeffirelli, the director of spectacular operas, plays and films [20]

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